Friday, November 26, 2010

The bad look into English

There is a negative feeling into the English in this faculty. It is usually the students dislike this class and put back it. The reason of this situation and the importance of learn English that many of them don’t see will be some arguments. Also My personal opinion and how I felt the experience since the first level until the level four.
The bad look into English is the name of the essay, a name that I want change in the progress of this text.
All this I try to explain in my essay.

I feel and believe in this lack of interest or bad look into the English class. The first reason that I find is that the students think in English class as a loss of time. The students prefer take exclusive class about the career, delaying the English class. I think that this situation is worse because in the last of the career take English convert in some bored and tiring.
Also, this people don’t see the real importance to learn English.
Today the English is an universal language and is a condition if we want leave our country for a postgraduate in the foreign. That is the reason for to learn English; today we know that the English open opportunities help us for make contacts with other people.

Mi opinion about the English class is positive. I start in the first level and I can say that the learning go in progress. In my case, the first level was easy but in the second, third and last level there is a big difference. The last levels are more difficult and that I depressed a bit because I feel that I don’t progress more. Maybe lack me a bigger effort.
Nevertheless I feel I can speak English better, much better than the fist level. That is the learning that I redeem more. Besides the enthusiasm’s teacher is very important for that we follow studying.
The bad look into English class for me isn’t exist. We should understand that also is a fundamental course.

Maybe many things about the English class in the university and the faculties can be better but is some economic, but more a problem about teacher and students. The interest of both is essential and the time dedicated too.
My experience was good. Now lack the last test I hope as all my classmates get a good mark. I hope also that the bad look transform in a take of conscience. A form of to see the English class like some positive.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Vivi`s Blog

The vivi`s blog
I always let a post in her blog. Maybe, almost obviously, because is my friend, but also because is funny and interesting read what and how Vivi writes.
She keeps and order in her post. She is more organized in that sense, as opposed I just write.
The presentation of the blog is very chic, the colors are good. All the post to the time and She usually put an image.
Write in a blog involve something personal and that we can learn about the person writing in the blog. Through the blog and depend of the topics for write we knows how is the person. The kind of music they like, the aspirations and the opinions that we have about some news or politics events.
In the vivi’s blog there are Victor Jara, many Violeta Parra, The Beatles obviously and that feeling by "the own".
A post that I really like was about the favourite song. She chooses “a day in the life” of The Beatles. She tells why she likes this song. The harmony can be a reason, a harmony that the songs of the Beatles know to show. Besides she tells about the origin of the song. We can`t wait less of vivi, the side educated always.
Also there is an image that vivi out in one of the post. An image of Piñera where he is holding a head of pig. The image corresponds to a post called “Tsunami marepoto”. The sense ironic and the displeasure that she feels by Piñera I know. Maybe all we feel the same by this sr.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I going to speak about a woman called Elena Caffarena.
Today I don`t remember much about her but when I was in the College, in sixth o seventh grade I did many expositions about the woman, the feminist, the rights, the inequality between in men and women. I was obsessed speaking of this woman.
She was a great fighter by the rights of the woman. As lawyer she dedicated her life by the right to vote of the woman. In that time just the men can to vote for the politics post.
In the years of university student she participated in the FECH. Years later, she founded the Movement of emancipation of women of Chile (MECH). MECH was a feminist group that started the protest in the street. All the worker women and mothers followed to Elena Caffarena.
I think that this woman is a great figure for the country in special for us the women because if she doesn`t have started the protest the women`s vote today would not exist.
Thank for her fight and the fight the all the women in that moment, was possible the vote municipal and late, the universal vote in January 8th of 1949 in the government of Gabriel Gonzalez Videla. .
The sad was Elena Caffarena couldn`t to vote because the President forbade her by he considered he a communist. She never was a militant but she defended to women and the poor people. She finally can vote years later but it was really unfair that she happened her.
She died in 2003. So I don`t met with her but if would have a possibility I say her that I had liked follow her in that time. I had felt ‘bakan’.

Friday, November 5, 2010


I ask me that if I had study other thing, but the things happen by something.
I was a good student, I always I got the same mark. The problem was the PSU, literally for me was a failure. This career always (Since the first year of lyceum) was in my mind, but also I thought in the Archeology. I actually imagined to get the score necessary but wasn`t that. Maybe too many expectation from the people. My classmates said me wait not Archeology, they didn`t believe in the career of Art History. Today, neither. BUT, here I am. This career always was my first option but just I felt bad by the results of the test.
I remember that my father said me: You choose the career because the name sounds beautiful. Against to the traditional of my father I study this. I think and is difficult imagine me studying other thing. I hate the mathematics but more the biology. So never I thought in careers connected with medicine or engineering, either in law, although one person had been the happiest man.
And the archeology was my games of child. Found the bone of chickens that I had buried was the better. Earth games, you know that.
I could wait one year but I didn`t want. Now I think is true the phrase I said in the start: The things happen by something. Now I have other objectives and I want realize other things. Just I hope carry out.
I believe a bit in the destiny and that the persons with we meet was because we should know.
Then, to think in other career is estrange, almost impossible. I choose the first option and I believe not have chosen badly.
I hope good thing of this, like all we.

Friday, October 29, 2010


I think the people sometimes is unhappy in your jobs because exploit them or the jobs are very mechanic. An example is the jobs of packer in the packing, work of fruits. I worked like packer and the working day is large, monotonous.. Thanks of god I work like packer only the summer but I think in the rest of people and they work all your life in the packing. The pay isn`t good and sometimes the hours are very exhausting.
If I could choose anything job, I would be a big sportswoman. It is simple I would win money, I enjoy it and I would travel around the world. But that is an idea very ideal. Or, and this is closer to my reality I would be a chef and simply I leave Chile and I would work in a cruise. This job I like, I really like to cook in special cakes or things like that. I don`t anyone with an experience like this. Maybe a cousin, who went to New Zealand and work and various restaurants, but not like chef but she knows a lot of people of different countries and culture.
Maybe the best work of the world will be travel free by the world. Just An angel should pay for me.
The reality is other and my objectives for mi life now are make a good thesis and an after to make a post grade in Restoration and Conservation. And Always I was connected to the practice work like the painting, so this work will be ideal. I hope to work in I want it and show them that “yes, I can”. I feel that is my greater dream or expectation.
Study for to work in that I chose. That should be the best satisfaction and become a great professional.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dream, crazy and friendly

I would like to meet various persons as the Singer Chris Martin of group Coldplay, or the writer Jane Austen or a person as important as Nelson Mandela. If I had the opportunity to meet them couldn`t be more fantastic but like the life isn´t so wonderful maybe I meet just one. And then I chose Nelson Mandela. He is a great figure of the history. His name represents the struggle by the racial segregation, that known as The Apartheid. Mandela is a great men and he become the first black president of Sudafrica. He achieved independence.
He represents the hope of the African people. Mandela was in prison many years and that instance shows the perseverance.
Meet to Mandela wouldn`t be just interesting would be a dream.
Dream is good. So I would travel to Sudafrica for know him and there in his home we have a conversation. I would ask him how he feels now, today years after of his struggle, prison and his government. If he feels actually b that he got achievements.

In the news and report of Sudafrica with motive of de Word Cup the reality of sudafrican people to be naked. The difference or worse the separation between the black and with people still continues. The news shows the existence of the areas or complete cities for the white people. The same happened with the night places, there are pubs only for white people.
Today the “apartheid” exists yet but obviously some things have changing.
I don`t say good bye Mandela without an autograph and a hug.
Meet to Mandela would be magic, meet a Chris Martin would be a crazy and with Jane Austen we would be “amiguis”.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Perfect day

A perfect day for me (one of my options) will be a complete day travelling by the north of Chile. I will need 24 hours and more. Maybe I would travel alone or maybe not.

See the landscape and lost me in my thought. A perfect day will be a day dedicated to a spiritual life. One day in where I feel the sun and I admire the desert. I don`t know why but always I liked this type of landscape.

The trip will be in a bus, obviously, I like spend many hours travelling and that the bus stops sometimes. Listen to music or watch a movie, eat the food of the bus (I really like) or speak with someone new or easily sleep with the certainty of that I am doing a good trip and my destiny is uncertain because is the destiny.

Other option is in beautiful day with a great sun I would sink in the pasture and just smile. In this situation I would be in love, with love. I should be in a meadow so I would have travel to the south but will be most interesting wake in the pasture an ordinary day, some like “a tele transportation”, and spend the day join with him in a place like that.

If I think in a perfect day there are options come to my mind but the hard to Think in this is that a perfect day isn`t come or is difficult realize it. A perfect day is more a dream because the perfect things aren`t exit. Actually I don`t know if I would have a perfect day, the words sounds utopian but maybe that is the sense, the effort or the dream.