Friday, August 27, 2010


In the last months in our country have happened a lot of important events. We can think in the earthquake, in the miners now or in the thermo electrical that also had importance in the news.
I think that the event of the year will be the earthquake. Since 1985 there wasn`t an earthquake. It was about time, but nobody thought that there would come a tsunami too. It was a true tragedy. Some people died, many people now don`t have home. The time pass, the immediate help arrived but now what?
In the last few days the news are concentrated in the miners, but not long ago I saw a strike of the people in the south. The people want solutions, the people have waited since February, the months pass and the people want a live again.
I remember that night was very chaotic. I think now and I imagine the people living the tsunami Wow! It was terrible. The earthquake was so long in time and space, almost the half of Chile.
February 27 will be “the D day” in our history and of course showed the swindle of some constructor companies. Just here in Santiago we can walk and we can see several building with problems, empty and some should be destroyed.
In these situations the action of the government is fundamental. The fiscal control should act. And it should act good and efficiently.
I will remember this date. It was my first earthquake and I don`t know if I can live one again jaj.. Wait 20 or 25 years and there we can see if the country has improved or not.

Friday, August 20, 2010

100 years, 1000 dreams

I remember a concert in 2008. It was an event very important because it was a commemoration of Salvador Allende. I ‘m not communist or something similar but i share your spirit of struggle and obviously I love the music, in special Intillimani. The event called “100 years, 1000 dreams” and was in November 7 in 2008 in the National Stadium. I went with Natalia and Gabriela and others friends. I bought a band for my head and already I was ready.
I sang how never and enjoyed a lot. The groups sang just two or three songs because there are many artists that should presented too. When appears Intillimani WOW..
My father says that I am communist because I like this type of music but he doesn`t remember that this music come of him, of his cassettes. My parents have a culture of Chilean music, the folklore and the andina music.
Also were Los jaivas and Illapu, this group to my friend Natalia like too much in special “vuelvo”. Also was a man of Brazil, I didn`t know him but Gabriela sang all his songs. I just enjoyed. It was my first concert, in my first year of university, in my first year far of home. Well, I don`t live very far, exactly in the sixth region, but my house now is Santiago.
The concert finished past two, in the night. My back suffered. Never had I thought that a concert was so exhausting, but yes, it was.
I returned to my flat so tired.. but It was great.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Animals Rights

Animal Rights
Now, we start the last level of English, the level IV.
So, here we go with the blog and my first post in the class.

I am going to speak about the Animal Rights in Chile. The topic is some very delicate, in special for the people that love the animals and defend the cause.
I remember a case that I saw in the news. A person launched their dog from a ninth flat. I don`t remember if the dog died or not, but is the most probable. This is a case in where we see the animal rights violated. The problem is that these rights are just in the mind of the people with heart and that fell a deep love by the animals. I think that the Chilean law haven`t consideration by the animals and preoccupation or many preoccupation with the matter. In the case I described, the person wasn`t punished. That is a serious mistake because that way the violence toward the animals continues. There isn`t only violence in domestic situations also violence with the contamination, for example the spillage of petroleum that affect directly to the fauna. Who repair that destruction? Is an irreversible situation, the animals die.

In our country there are organizations of help and protection of the animals, in special of the street dogs. Dogs that haven`t master and they just live in any place.

More conscience by the animals, just that the law will change and the animals could live better.

Bye :D