Friday, September 24, 2010


Today, later of two weeks of vacation, we found us with the Mapuches’s conflict. But this problem it is not a problem of now. It’s not. While all the country cried by the miners, me too, we forgot the 32 mapuches in hunger strike. They take more than two months in that condition.
I especially I don`t know much about the case. I think the Chilean people don`t feel interest about the problem because is a problem, a big problem. Neither the news gives importance or much importance to the theme. TVN still is miners.
Besides, I think that the mapuches or the native people don`t feel part of the country. Paradoxically in our country the native people are in the extremes of the territory and they are isolated.
In other aspect, it is a surprise to me to know that the anti terrorism law was applied by first time in the Government of the today old Aylwin. And if Piñera has done something or not, I think that no. He waits a moment critic for be a hero o something like that. With the theme of the miners all the people was grateful with Piñera and the percentage of approbation to the president increased in good numbers.
I don`t know how more the mapuches can endure the situation, only living of saline solution. I just hope that nobody died. Although maybe that is they want or are willing to do for pressure to the government.
They are the start of Chile; they were the first residents of the country. They are our history and our identity too. Where we come of? The answer is easy. They are our ancestors… although I have ancestors of the north.. aymaras also native people.